Maybe you have been unable to get the Content Center installed in previous versions, or perhaps you have had issues with network connection speeds and other things that have delayed the implementation of Content Center.
When you consider that possibly 80,000 or more components in a 100,000-part assembly may be fasteners or fastener-related components, it's a very big deal. This article will briefly cover these areas to help you gain a better understanding of just how this all works. The way that we create, place, constrain, and manage fasteners has a big impact on both user productivity and file sizes. Because of the extremely high number of these type of components, it stands to reason that we might just be able to effect our greatest efficiency change in this area. Workflow studies have determined that as much as 70 to 80+ percent of many assemblies are composed of fastener-type components, which include screws, bolts, nuts, washers, and others.
In the spirit of change, I thought that I would produce a little bit of advice on an area that is often overlooked when it comes to productivity. If you read my July column, then hopefully by now you are questioning everything in your design process. Back November 30th, 2010 Inventor: The Nuts and Bolts of Nuts and Bolts